BEN Monthly Meetings

BEN holds regular monthly meetings on the last Saturday of the month at a time that is convenient to most time zones around the globe, currently at 10 AM US Eastern Time. IG and CC convene in separate meetings in alternate months. The last such meeting was held on December 31, Saturday, 2022. BEN Global … Read more…

BEN Organizational Activities: Chapters and Panels

The second half of 2022 has seen a range of organizational activities attempting to. start or restore BEN chapters around the world. Md. Khalequzzaman, new GC of BEN, coordinated these efforts with active participation and guidance of other BEN organizers and leaders. BEN founder Nazrul Islam helped organize several events in New York by the … Read more…

Preparations for the BAPA-BEN 2022 Conference

The preparations for the BAPA-BEN 2022 annual conference are in full swing. Titled “Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development” the conference will be attended by experts and activists from Bangladesh and overseas. The conference organizing committee (COC) chaired by Sultana Kamal had a couple of meetings to discuss the details of the arrangements. Conducted by … Read more…

Education for Sustainability

The passage of the annual International Day of Education a week ago marks the commemoration of a global commitment to work toward quality, equitable education for everyone. As we go into this new year, one thing is clear: education must emphasize sustainability and environmental education to adequately prepare young minds for the climate reality they … Read more…

BAPA-BEN Drinking Water Initiative in the Teesta River Area

Bangladesh Environment Network has recently funded a safe drinking water project for the flood victims in the Teesta Area. BAPA leader Faridul Islam supervised the installation of twenty tube wells at various villages in the area. The locations were identified through a field survey by BAPA volunteers. Tube well installation events were followed by town … Read more…

New Year Greetings from BEN

Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) greets all on the occasion of the approaching new year of 2022. It wishes all good health, success, and happiness in the new year. The year of 2021 continued to be a difficult one due to the persistence of COVID-19, in particular the emergence of its new variants. People continue to … Read more…

Press Conference on the 2022 BAPA-BEN Conference

Conference organizing committee (COC) of the Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon-Bangladesh Environment Network (BAPA-BEN) 2022 annual conference held a press conference at the Sagar-Runi Auditorium of Dhaka Reporters’ Unity at Dhaka on Friday December 17, 2021. Sultana Kamal, the President of BAPA and the Chairperson of the COC, announced the theme and the date for the upcoming … Read more…

Webinar on Flyover in the Haor Area

The Haor Oncholbasee–a civic society organization working for the people living in the Haor region in Bangladesh organized a webinar on Causeways or Viaduct in the haor region. Architect Khondker Neaz Rahman, the Deputy Team Leader of the DAP, presented the keynote paper. Discussions from Engineer Malik Fida A. Khan, the Executive Director of CEGIS … Read more…

BAPA Distributes BEN Disaster Fund in the Teesta River Area

Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) distributed 900 blankets among the people affected by the October 2021 Teesta flood. Purchased with a fund of Taka 200,000 collected by Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) the blankets were distributed in the following areas:  – four villages of Ulipur and Rajarhat upazila in the district of Kurigram – five villages of … Read more…