4th  International Conference on Bangladesh Environment (ICBEN)-2020

A BAPA-BEN Conference

December 26-27, 2020

[Please note that the timing of ICBEN-2020 (December 26-27 Bangladesh Standard Time) was conceptualized for an in-person conference located in Bangladesh. Due to COVID-19 and the switch to a virtual mode, the beginning of the conference now conflicts with Christmas (Dec 25) for our participants in North America and Europe. We apologize for the conflict and will make every attempt to accommodate speakers and participants joining us from these locations. Thank you for your understanding.]


Presenters/authors residing outside of Bangladesh: Please register here

(Presenters/authors residing in Bangladesh: Please register using the BAPA registration link )

    Type of Participation - select all that apply

    General Participant (not presenting)Presenter (Abstract sent)Presenter (Abstract will be sent)Committee Member

    All abstracts and papers should be sent electronically in Word format to the following persons:

    A) Papers written by authors residing in Bangladesh:
    Prof. Shahidul Islam, Department of Geography & Environment, Dhaka University, Ramna, Dhaka. Email: shahidul_bd@yahoo.com

    B) Papers written by authors residing outside of Bangladesh:
    Dr. Ahmed Badruzzaman, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Email: ahmed.badruzzaman@berkeley.edu

    Please select topics of interest for the conference (required)

    Climate Change, Disaster ManagementRivers, Floodplains, and WetlandsEnergy and environmentPollution Control, Waste Management/TreatmentHealth and food-safetyForests, Biodiversity, & Indigenous PeoplesUrban and Rural PlanningGender Dimension of Environmental IssuesGrassroots MovementsEconomics, legal, and management IssuesGovernance, political parties, and Civil SocietyOther issues of Bangladesh environmentNo preference

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    Please check this box if you would like to be involved with BEN and its activities.