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Southern USA BEN Organized Panel on the Role of Bangladeshi Diaspora in Environmental Conservation of Bangladesh

Southern USA (SUS) chapter of Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) organized a panel discussion on the role of non-resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) in the conservation and preservation of the environment of Bangladesh. The seminar was held on Feb 4, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Keswick Park Community Center. Engineer Zubayer Ahmed presented a concept paper on the topic. Nabila Islam, the first Bangladeshi origin State Senator of Georgia spoke on the topic. The others who spoke include Tanzina Islam, Vice Chair of Gwinnett county Democratic party, Dr. Md Nasir Uddin, assistant professor of Mercer University and Dr. Mahbub Uddin Chowdhury, former space and remote sensing expert of UN’s regional office.  Utpal Dutta, coordinator of BEN SUS, presided over the seminar. 

The speakers analyzed the current state of Bangladesh’s environment and pointed out the need to take appropriate steps to protect it. They  suggested that the role of non-resident Bangladeshis is important in this regard. Expatriate experts can help with expert opinion on environmental conservation citing examples from other countries. Their opinions can help increase environmental awareness among people in Bangladesh. Experts can also encourage the young generation among the Bangladeshi diaspora on environmental issues. We would like to note here that the panel discussion was presented by BEN SUS’ youth member Anusha Morshed.

At the end of the discussion meeting, the members of the Georgia branch of the Udichi Shilpee Goshthi (Udichee Art Group) performed a cultural program entitled ‘River’, consisting of songs and poems related to the rivers of Bangladesh. The audience present at the event praised the event organized by the Southern US Chapter of BEN and said it is a very timely initiative. It is necessary to raise awareness among the new generation by organizing more discussions on environmental issues in the future, some of the audience said.