Site icon Bangladesh Environment Network

Join Us

BEN invites you to join the struggle to protect Bangladesh and global environment. Joining BEN is the easiest and yet most effective was in which non-resident Bangladeshis and their international friends can help in protecting Bangladesh’s environment.

BEN is open to all who share BEN’s vision, mission and principles. Joining BEN is also free and doesn’t require any formalities. You can join BEN in any of the following two ways:

  1. Visit BEN Newsletter and self-subscribe
  2. Send us an email to

Once a member, you will get BEN newsletter via email. The newsletter will keep you informed about BEN activities and how you can participate in them. You can also unsubscribe yourself from BEN along the two ways above any time you like.


BEN is financially self-reliant organization. It does not solicit and receive money from either the government or any donor agencies. It relies entirely on volunteer contributions of its members. All the money raised is sent to Bangladesh to support pro-environmental activities in country.

BEN’s accounts are transparent and open to all for information and scrutiny.

BEN is registered with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under 501(c)(3) as an organization working for protection of environment. Contributions to BEN are tax-deductible. BEN’s EIN # is 58-2454949.

Please make your check payable to BEN and mail it to:

Prof. Saleh Tanveer
Dept. of Mathematics
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210, USA

You may also contribute through PayPal